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Life is a rollercoaster!  Ups, downs, loops and it can change direction in an instant.  Through all these moments a person's health and wellness can take a backseat.


Finding balance is a thing of the past.  We all have too many balls to juggle that we are bound to drop one every once in a while.  The balance comes with realizing this is going to happen and to pick the ball back up and keep juggling.  To many people quit just because they feel like they failed.

I have yet to meet anyone who does not struggle with balance.  Family, friends, work, sleep, housework, groceries, working out, eating healthy...OMG, the list goes on and on.


I am right here with you.  Trying hard everyday to be the best I can be.  Somedays are better than others, but at the end of the day it is my story, my journey and it is my crazy happy life.


I created this space for anyone who wants to get there Wellness back on track using essential oils, nutrition, exercise and self-care. This is about Real Life. Real You.


It is for those who are trying to "fit it all in" with the one life we are blessed to live.


Real Life. Real You.


My name is Amy Bowers I am so incredible blessed to share my journey, story and knowledge with all of you.  I am a Registered Nurse, a Holistic Nutrition Coach, a Wellness Advocate and a Mamatrenpeur, but I am first and foremost a family girl.  I consider my 2 biggest successes in life to be my marriage and my 2 children.


I have been married to my best friend since 2004.  We have a bond that many people don't understand.  He is my rock, my biggest supporter, my 3rd child, my crazy, and by far my biggest holistic challenge to date!


My daughter Billie blessed me in 2005 into the world of Mamahood. She has a heart of gold, she is witty, smart, athletic and has the most beautiful soul I have ever been witness to.  She teaches me everyday about how to see the positives in every situations and she is teaching me to see life through a whole new perspective.


My son Madden completed our family in 2007.  He is my best little buddy; a true Mama's boy!  He is the most passionate person I have ever met.  He is athletic, funny, smart, kind and he is the best cuddler around.  He teaches me everyday to be strong, confident and that anything worth doing is doing with your whole heart.  He lives his life all-in.


I am striving everyday to raise them to love holistic living, to love themselves unconditionally, to be vulnerable, to embrace their imperfections and to love life.


Where my passion for health and wellness came from:


I grew up in a home where being healthy and active was very important.  I remember from an early age falling in love with health and wellness and it continued into my adult life where I graduated with a BScN and have been a practising RN since 2003.   It wasn't until 2016 that I finally decided to follow my passion and enroll in a Holistic Nutrition program and put my focus into Holistic Wellness. It wasn't long after that I felt a strong pull to pursue my passion into the world of essential oils.  doTERRA aligned with my heart and with the values/beliefs of the Whole Body Wellness brand.


I have struggled personally with perfectionism my whole life and it was not until I became more aware of my body and mind that I realized I suffered with anxiety as well.  I have been working very hard to overcome my fears and imperfections, which has helped with the anxiety as well.  I consider myself a recovering perfectionist.


Thankfully,  I have learned to embrace holistic wellness; which has changed my outlook and direction of my life.  This change has created a healthier and happier life for myself and my family and want to share my knowledge and experience with the world.


Focusing on you is a way of life and requires changes to your everyday habits and choices.  It took me a lot of years to figure this one out and I still struggle with it at times.  Being well, is not about being perfect, but being the best version of you.  I hope you can relate to what I have to say and allow me to join you on your wellness journey .


Real Life. Real You.


Amy Bowers  xo


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