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Rid Yourself of the Guilt.

”I wake up thinking about my health and wellness and it consumes my thoughts throughout my day until I go to bed. I have a guilty feeling all day long and I have a hard time feeling present in my life because I am constantly thinking about how I should be focusing more on my weight, my eating, my working out; basically my whole health, so I can feel better and look better in my own skin”.

OMG, take a breath right?!!

Does this conversation sound familiar to you?

Now, I do realize that not everybody wakes up thinking about their health as dramatically as that, but I can safely say that 99% of the Mamas wake up thinking about their body and how they are feeling physically, mentally and emotionally. The sad truth is that most Mamas do not have anything nice to say about their own body.

I have had this conversation in my head A LOT and I mean A LOT! I have gone through University where I was single, established my career where I worked full time shift work, got married and had 2 children and the conversation still stayed the same with each passing phase.

Looking back I realize that life is never going to be perfect and the timing to focus on your health, be in the best shape of your life, eat perfectly and workout consistently is not going to present itself “one day".

I have had all the course load is too busy, I am too hungover, I am working too much, I want to spend my evenings with my husband, I am pregnant, I have small children, I am busy driving my kids to all their activities, I am starting my own business...and on and on and on. The list, if you let it, with be never ending.

What I have learned in my journey to holistic wellness is to make myself a priority. I have started meal planning, I set up my workouts weekly and I focus more on self care. I am a better mother, wife and business woman because of it.

Does this always work out the way I planned?

Nope! The only finish line on your quest for health and wellness is the grave.

Sound morbid? It is the true.

Living holistically is a way of life and the process of ridding myself of the guilt has not been an easy one. I continue to have relapses into the guilt, but I have grown enough to realize I don't need to live in the guilt. Life is constantly shifting and changing so you need to be shifting and growing along side of it. When life throws you a curve ball, adjust your stance and your swing.

Life is not meant to be lived in a regiment. Although routine is great and can keep us sane, if we are not willing to mentally shift when needed we are going to spend more days of our lives beating ourself up then enjoying it.

We all deserve to be living in the present and enjoying the moments of our life.

No matter how hard I try to plan out my weeks, life comes up and I have learned that one missed workout or 2 or 3 and one bad meal; or 2 or 3, is not going to be the end. Life is about the whole picture and when you can embrace the process and the inevitable chaos, you can rid yourself of the guilt and shame around the imperfections and find a whole new mental freedom.

I hope you find a way to embrace the chaos and imperfections so you too can rid yourself of the guilt around your health and wellness, because lets be honest...we all fuck up sometimes.

Amy Bowers xo

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