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Immune Boosting Anti-Inflammatory Health Shot

If I told you that there was a super easy way to boost your immune system and lower the inflammation wreaking havoc on your body, would you try it?

I posted a "Live" video on my Facebook page this morning showing you just how easy it was to make it and you can check it out here. I also promised I would share the information and recipe on here as well since I got a little distracted during my video and forgot to mention a few important points.

Oranges offer a variety of health benefits, but one of the main reasons it is included into this particular health shot is for its Vitamin C and immune boosting properties.

Lemons have cleansing and detoxifying effects on the body and can help flush out toxins. They can aid in digestion and help promote a healthy metabolism.

Turmeric is the star of this health shot because of its very powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In today’s society inflammation in the body causes a lot of health problems, diseases and lowers your immune system. Decreasing the overall inflammation will help your body heal, repair, and boost your immune system.

Black pepper seems like the odd ball out in this recipe, but it definitely serves an important purpose. Studies have shown that when black pepper is used along side of turmeric, it enhances the body’s ability to absorb the turmeric.

Apple cider vinegar aids in digestion and aids in weight loss by promoting a healthy metabolism

Raw honey adds sweetness to this shot, immune boosting properties and aids in digestion. Make sure you are using raw honey and not the processed honey found on the shelves of many grocery stores.

Immune Boosting Anti-Inflammatory Health Shot


  • 1 orange, peeled

  • 1 lemon, peeled or 1-2 drops of DoTERRA Lemon essential oil placed into each shot before drinking

  • 1 Tbsp fresh turmeric or 1 tsp ground turmeric

  • 1 Tbsp raw honey

  • 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar

  • pinch of black pepper

  • 1/4 cup filtered water

Putting it all together

  1. Using a juicer: juice the orange, lemon and turmeric. Add to mason jar and mix in honey, apple cider vinegar, black pepper and filtered water. Shake well to blend.

  2. Using a blender: place all ingredients into the Vitamix and blend for 1-2 minutes. Strain if desired. Shake well to blend.

Which ever method you choose, when done store in airtight glass jar in fridge for up to 5 days. Shake well before drinking.

Consume 1-2oz as part of your morning routine.

Amy Bowers xo

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