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Back to School with Essential Oils

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Christmas or back to school?

I prefer it stay a Christmas Carol personally, because:

A. I like having my kids at home.

B. I don't want to have to get back into the routine of making lunches 5x a week.

But, I understand some parents NEED their kids to go back to school, lol! Do not get me wrong when I say I like having my kids at home; I also look forward to structure, routine and no more FORTNITE or SIMS 4.

So after the Staples & Wal-mart trips for new school supplies and a trip to the mall for new shoes and clothes; what else is there to worry about right?

How about Immunity? Lice? Sleep routines? Energy? Focus? Emotions? The worry list goes on and on for parents.

This is where doTERRA essential oils will become your best friends. DoTERRA offers a pro-active, natural and holistic approach to the health and wellness of the whole family for back-to-school and the whole year around.


Here are my TOP 8 MUST HAVE ESSENTIAL OILS to have on hand for back-to-school time:

On Guard is one of my favorite oils that I use daily during any seasonal change or life change with my kids. To benefit from its powerful immunity support, this blend can used in the diffuser, internally and topically. By working to increase the body's natural antioxidants and allowing our body to build up its natural immunity On Guard offers a holistic approach to wellness. It is well known to protect our body and home from environmental and seasonal threats. Read more...

After 2 months of late nights, sleeping in, junk food, video games and playing outside; getting back into a routine of sitting in a desk for 6+ hrs can be hard for the kids to adapt to. Staying focused can be hard at the best of time, let alone after 2 months of fun and zero routine. This blend can be applied topically to enhance and sustain a sense of focus. Enriched with select essential oils, InTune contains Frankincense, Hawaiian Sandalwood, and Lime essential oils to assist with clarity and focus as well as Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, and Roman Chamomile to help calm and soothe. Use this blend in the mornings before heading out to school, send it in your kids backpack to re-apply during the day as they feel is necessary and most definitely have on hand for after school during homework time. Read more...

I diffuse doTERRA Serenity Restful Blend every night in my room and in my kids bedrooms. Why? Because sleep is vitally important to your health and wellness. Serenity is calming, relaxing and assists in falling asleep and staying asleep. Summer holidays are meant for late nights and sleep ins, but can cause huge problems when it comes to setting a new sleep routine for school. The doTERRA Serenity Restful Blend can be used aromatically and topically to promote relaxation, encourage calm emotions, and lessen feelings of tension. Read more...

Aka Melaleuca is best known for its purifying properties. Think all things cleansing for your home and your body. It provides a healthy immunity when taken internally and can help cleanse your skin when applied topically; example acne, and can clean the surfaces of your home. It also can be diffused to cleanse and purify the air. Tea tree has a strong link to the prevention and treatment of lice. I know that I wish I had this knowledge before the first week of kindergarten when my daughter came home with it. Read more...

Back to school can cause an array of emotions for the whole family. Use wild orange for its energizing and uplifting benefits. Diffuse in the morning as the kids are getting ready for school, or diffuse after school when they come home tired and grouchy, lol! Pick up everyones spirits. Wild orange can also be used as a natural cleanser and can purify the air. Study with Wild Orange and Peppermint than apply when taking a test to ramp up those grades. Read more...

Respiratory issues are common with cold season and the start of winter. Runny noses or stuffed up breathing is a common complaint when kids go back to school. Back to breathing in school air and coming in contact with germs that can affect their breathing. Maintain clear airways by using breathe both topically and in the diffuser to minimize the seasonal respiratory threats. Read more...

These 8 recommended oils are for the whole family, but this one might be more specific to the moms out there. With back to school and back to activities means trying to find some sort of balance in life. Packing lunches, checking over homework, car pools, appointments, work, sporting activities etc leaves us moms feeling a little frazzled and overwhelmed at times. A little bit of Balance helps ground you and reduce the anxiety you can feel within. Read more...

Our family uses peppermint oil all the time. My daughter has even had great success with alleviating hormonal headaches, but headaches are also common after a long day of school. Peppermint oil is also well known for its ability to help alleviate occasional upset stomach. Peppermint is also a very energizing oil, so my family uses it for studying, before physical activities or even as they walk out the door for school in the morning. With so many uses peppermint is a must oil to have.

There you have it, my Top 8 MUST HAVE oils for back to school. You will find that the whole family is healthier, happier and the transition for everyone will be much smoother.

Amy Bowers xo

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