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Top 25 Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational quotes fill our Facebook feeds and our Pinterest pages daily. We LOVE to read these quotes and become inspired to be better and do better. Reading a inspirational quote can literally change your mindset for your entire day.

We all have days when we feel like the world is beating us down, when we compare ourselves to the next person, when we don't like what we see in the mirror, when we doubt ourselves or we just feel sad; that is the true test that you are alive. I don't think there is a person on the face of the earth who does not need a little inspiration every now and then.

Heck, you don't even need to feel down to crave some inspiration, you may just want to keep the positive vibes flowing!!

Whatever the reason, I have compiled 25 of my favourite inspirational quotes that I have found of Pinterest over the years that have resonated with me and I am sharing them all with you!

In no particular order...

Hope you can find inspiration in one or all of these quotes. Different words resonate with us on different days.

Which one of these quotes resonates the most with you? I would love to know.

Amy Bowers xo

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