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To the Exhausted Working Mother...I Understand.

To the working mother who is overwhelmed, stressed and tired...I understand.

To the working mother whose house is messy, fridge is empty and laundry piles are high...I understand.

To the working mother who wants to give their kids the world...I understand.

Sometimes just having someone who understands is all a person needs. Someone to relate to. Someone to say "I hear you, I see you and you are doing an amazing job".

I am a working mother. I always have been. I love being a entrepreneur, a nurse and I love having my own goals and dreams. There are so many pros to being a working mother.

But, truthfully it has not come without many tear sessions...okay flat out bawling and sobbing uncontrollably because of stress and fatigue.

Being a working mother is not an easy job. Shit, being a mother is hard enough sometimes let alone throwing in work amongst it all.

Times can be hard. Times can be busy and stressful. It is important to your sanity and mental health to take these "times" and allow them to happen. Separate yourself from the shame and guilt around being a working mother.

I am here to tell you that it is okay if your kids watch too much tv, play too much video games and eat kraft dinner for the 3rd night in a row. It does not have to be a forever thing. Take the time out that your need. Take the rest that your body requires and come back bigger, better, more energized and ready to tackle whatever life throws at you.

The main questions you should be concerned with on a daily basis are:

Are they loved? Do they feel safe?

If those 2 questions are answered Yes, then you are doing a great job.

Trust me when I say your kids are watching you. Your hard work and determination is not going unnoticed in their eyes. They see YOU. They do not see the mess.

So keep going. Keep your chin up, your heart open and smile big because at the end of the day it is not about a clean home and a "perfect" life. It is about living your life, achieving your goals and dreams and getting shit done.

Spend your days off cuddling in bed with the kids, going to the park or playing some board games. Don't for a second feel guilty or shameful that your entertainment unit needs to be dusted or your front closet is unorganized. Priorities people!

Amy Bowers xo

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