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Seasonal Allergies Suck!

Springtime is finally here and it is so exciting!! I have been sitting outside on the back deck for my morning coffee and getting outside for my daily workouts. No more having to squat, lunge and do sit ups in the living room, now its time for running, biking, rollerblading and stair workouts. After the super LONG winter, I want to spend as much time outdoors soaking up as much Vitamin D as possible.

Now with all that said my seasonal allergies are horrible. I don't remember them as a kid but the last few years they have gotten so bad that I would spend so much time with a scratchy/itchy throat, stuffed nose and drove me crazy!!

The symptoms would suck, but if you know me at all I do not like taking medications so half the time I would just suffer through them.

I get it; kinda silly, but I choose to live as natural and holistically as possible and did not want to be medicating myself every day. Nor did I want to be medicating my son every day since he suffers from the same seasonal allergies as I do.

Thankfully I found doTERRA essential oils and it was a game changer for the both of us. I began making my own capsules of equal parts peppermint, lavender and lemon essential oils and we began taking them daily at the start of springtime.

Now, I purchase the TriEase Softgels doTERRA offers. We both just take 1-2 capsules in the morning and our allergy symptoms are so much milder and tolerable.

Like I said GAME CHANGER!!

Here is why this combinations so effective in combating those seasonally allergies.

Lemon: cleansing to the body’s systems and frequently used for respiratory discomfort

Lavender : Flower: renowned for its calming and balancing effects

Peppermint:Plant: promotes clear breathing and healthy respiratory function

  • Take TriEase before gardening this spring

  • Take before going out to feed horses or cows

  • Use when hiking during Spring or Fall

  • Protects against seasonal and environmental elements

  • Cleansing to the body’s systems

  • Calming and balancing effects, internally and externally

  • Promotes clear breathing and healthy respiratory functions

  • TriEase helps you through changing seasons by protecting against environmental threats

  • Taking TriEase daily during times of seasonal discomfort or to maintain clear breathing

You do not need to suffer from allergies all season long and not be able to enjoy the beautiful weather we get for what seems like such a short period of time.

Take back your clear breathing!!!

Amy Bowers xo

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