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Spring Is Here To Stay

I believe that where you live determines your feelings on Springtime. Those people (like me) who live in a cold and snowy winter climate welcome Spring with open arms because we can finally spend time outdoors without freezing our fingers, toes and noses.

"The air hurts my face. Why am I living where the air hurts my face?"

Growing up in northern Alberta, Canada it was very typical to see -40 temperatures in winter. This kept you indoors or bundled up so much that your neighbour would hardly recognize you. This can cause a lot of mixed emotions and for some can lead to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD); which is a type of depression related to the changes in season and the lack of sunlight. SAD typically effects people who have an otherwise healthy mental status.

If you are one that suffers from SAD you will be so happy to know that spring looks like it is here to stay; which means longer daylight and more SUNSHINE!!

This makes me VERY happy and I choose to celebrate it every year because I really don't appreciate Mother Nature's winter temperament.

Here are some ways to get out there and celebrate the First Day Of Spring:

  • Buy yourself some flowers for the house.

  • Go for a walk outdoors; long or short it does not matter.

  • Give the inside of your vehicle a clean out.

  • Pull out your summer clothes from storage, give them a wash and have them ready for the upcoming months.

  • Sit on your patio and let the sun shine on your face. (even if it is only for a few minutes)

We get out of life what we put in. Celebrating the small things allows us to recognize that there is beauty all around us. We just have to be willing to notice it.

Happy Spring!!

Amy Bowers xo

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