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8 Tips to Avoid Weight Gain this Holiday Season.

The holiday season is almost here and it seems once December 1st rolls around there becomes an excessive amount of holiday parties to attend. Although these parties can be an amazing time (some not so much, lol), after a while the food, drinks and late nights can start to take a toll on our bodies.

I have compiled a list of the Top 8 Tips to avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain. This list does not include staying home and avoiding all temptations because the Christmas season should be a joyous time celebrating with family and friends.

#1 Stay Hydrated - Drinking and eating are part of the holiday season, but with that comes increased salt, sugar, and fat consumption. Our bodies can become easily dehydrated if we do not consume adequate amounts of water. In order for our bodies to digest properly and to flush out the extra toxins it needs a good supply of water. Often when we are feeling hungry, we are just really needing some extra water.

Tip: Make sure to drink plenty of water during the day of the party and for every cocktail you have also drink a glass of water along with it. You will be extra thankful in the morning when your head hurts a little less.

#2 Eat Before You Go - There are many people who believe saving their calories for a night out is a great way to avoid weight gain, but the reality is you are just starving your body and setting it up to be a fat storing machine. When we deprive our body of the nutrients and fuel it needs then indulge on foods, it tricks our body in thinking this will become a pattern and it will begin to store the fat as fuel to be used at a later date when it feels starved again. Also, when we do not eat throughout the day we tend to binge on way too much food. We eat way too many calories and it leaves us feeling full, bloated and sluggish.

Tip: Make sure to eat a healthy breakfast and continue to eat healthy options throughout the day. Make sure to include protein with your meals to keep you feeling fuller longer. When you get to the party you will be less likely to binge eat and will not feel guilty if you enjoy a holiday treat or 2.

#3 Bring a Healthy Dish - When we go to a holiday party we are inevitably going to eat, which is a good thing especially when we are enjoying a cocktail or 2. Bring along your favourite healthy dish so if anything you can load up on your own food.

Tip: Bake some "healthy" Christmas treats or prepare/bring a healthier appetizer option. A shrimp ring, fresh guacamole, hummus, raw veggies and fresh fruit are great options.

#4 Be Mindful of your Alcohol Consumption - Let's be honest, Christmas cheer tends to include alcohol for most. I love a good Christmas cocktail and an extra glass of wine or 2 when out with family and friends. Be aware that excessive alcohol consumption is never healthy and causes a great deal of problems in our body by putting extra stress on our liver and the extra sugar causes fluctuations in your blood sugars, which can lead to weight gain as well as an assortment of other issues.

Tip: When preparing for a night of extra indulgence be mindful of your cocktail of choice. Attempt to stay away from drinks that require pop as a mix and use citrus fruits to flavour instead. Try this holiday cocktail at your next party.

#5 Keep Moving - Life can get really busy during the holiday season and the first thing to go can be our workouts. Our routine is off, we are not in our own environment, cooler temperatures and/or we have company in our space are just a few reasons why exercise takes a back seat this time of year.

Tip: Take at least 30 minutes a day to move your body. It may not be your usual workouts, but completing some form of physical activity will keep you mentally clear and help to burn any extra calories you may be consuming in the form of food and drinks.

#6 Avoid Overeating - The food around the holiday season is amazing, but many traditional Christmas dishes are loaded with calories and fats. Being aware of this is half the battle. You do not need to deprive yourself of the foods you love this time of year, you just have to remember that moderation is your new best friend.

Tip: Slow down when you eat. Allow yourself time to enjoy the food and give your body time to digest and signal your brain that it is full. Take some time before you dish your plate up a second time. This again allows our body time to let you know that it is full and satisfied. Grab a smaller plate. This way you limit the amount of food you are able to dish up on and tricks your brain in thinking it had a large meal.

#7 Use Healthy Fats - Many baking, appetizers and main dishes use a lot of unhealthy fats. Remember that fats can be our friend when used appropriately and when the right ones are used.

Tip: Substitute coconut oil in your baking, use olive oil for salad dressings, limit the amount of butter used in dishes, use avocados (hello guacamole!) in appetizers and opt for a handful of nuts. These small changes will make a big difference when it comes to consuming the extra calories.

#8 Get Sleep and Relax - Last, but probably the most important! Holiday time can be very stressful for some people. Stress causes a number of issues in our body and can play a main part in weight gain. Stress and cortisol go together and although our body can handle some fluctuations, it does not want to deal with it all the time.

Tip: Allow yourself time to enjoy the holidays. Don't stress over every detail and try to make every moment perfect. Spend some quality time watching a Christmas movie with the family, go for a walk, read a book, have a nap and remember although the odd late night is okay, don't make a habit of it the whole month of December.

Although there are many more tips to get you through your holidays without making your pants feel tighter, focusing on these 8 Tips will increase your chances of maintaining your weight throughout the season so you can hit the New Year ahead of the game!

Happy Holidays!

Amy Bowers xo

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