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Reigniting and Keeping the Passion.

Passion is a part of all aspects of our life; relationships, hobbies, career, etc. It represents an array of emotions; excitement, joy, love and sexual energy are all ways that people can feel passionate about life. But, lets be honest; passion can fade and when it does it can be hard to get back. We need to work on our passion daily in order for it to keep burning within us.

When you think about passion picture a fire. You need to keep throwing logs onto the fire or it will burn out. The stronger it burns the more intense the heat feels. It can be exhausting having to keep restarting the fire over and over again. It is easier to keep that fire burning than it is to keep starting from ash time and time again.

Keeping it burning is not always easy and we can all use a little help to keep that fire/passion burning in our hearts. We can do so many things to help reignite the passion into our lives. Read books, listen to podcasts, therapy and/or date nights are just a few, but sometimes it does not have to be any more complicated than adding DoTERRA Passion Essential Oil into your daily routine.

I don't know where passion comes from; your soul, your brain, your heart or your big toe. The point is it does not really matter where it comes from. It is a feeling that flows through us; an energy all in itself and we tend to feel it in our HEART.

With February being heart month; let your passion become reignited and keep it burning strong all year long. Whether you want more romance, passion at work, more joy, less boredom or just more general excitement in your life Passion is just what you need.


  • Add a few drops into your diffuser when you are having a romantic evening with your loved one, when you are working on a project and want to get your creative juices flowing or diffuse in the morning while you are getting ready for the day to bring joy and enthusiasm to your day ahead.

  • Apply a few drops or use your Passion roller bottle to your pulse points on your wrist throughout the day to ignite the passion within.

  • Role a small amount over your heart with the Passion roller bottle.

  • Apply a drop to your diffuser bracelet to have the scent come where ever you go for up to 24hrs.


  • Ignites feelings of excitement, passion, and joy

  • Counteracts negative feelings of boredom and disinterest


  • Fractionated Coconut Oil, Cardamom Seed, Cinnamon Bark, Ginger Rhizome, Clove Bud, Sandalwood Wood, Jasmine Flower Absolute, Vanilla Bean Absolute, Damiana Leaf

Aromatic Description

  • Spicy, Warm, Rich

** Check out the Giveaway contest on Whole Body Wellness Facebook Page. Contest runs from February 12/18 to February 13/18 @ midnight MST. Winner will be announced on February 14/18 by 8pm MST.

Amy Bowers xo

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